While Vivaldi was imitated and paraphrased for several decades in the 18th century, his style is actually quite inimitable. His admirers could add to but not originate the formula. This is why his singular voice speaks to us now with such genuine directness and individuality. Nathan Milstein performs four memorable Vivaldi concerti for violin. 'This performance of four of Vivaldi's 221 violin concerti (Fanna 1, No. 106, 2, 3, and 5) is for all fans of chamber music. With a small ensemble of 6 violins, 4 violas, 2 cellos, bass and harpsichord Milstein creates an intimate chamber music experience. You are seated perhaps 20 feet away from the musicians, close enough to hear all the inner detail that makes chamber music so exciting to listen to live. This recording from 1962, while not meeting today's rigorous standards for the performance of early music (original instruments, original playing techniques, etc.) is still music that should be heard. The sound quality is not quite as good as the reissue of SAX 2579 reviewed above. But it is still excellent sound. Again, a must have for chamber music enthusiasts.' https://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue52/lps.htm