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VIEUXTEMPS, Chloe Hanslip, Martyn Brabbins, Royal Flemish Philharmonic

Violin Concerto No. 1, 2 / Greeting to America

  • Henry Vieuxtemps (1820–1881)
  • 1 Violin Concerto No 1 in E major Op 10 [40'41]
  • 4 Violin Concerto No 2 in F sharp minor Op 19 [21'34]
  • 7 Greeting to America Op 56 [12'50]
  • Chloe Hanslip - violin
  • Martyn Brabbins - conductor
  • Royal Flemish Philharmonic - orchestra
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59.00 PLN


Nr kat.: CDA67878
Label  : Hyperion

Hyperion’s record of the month for May heralds a new collaboration with the brilliant young British violinist Chloë Hanslip, the former child prodigy famously signed to Warner Classics at the age of just fourteen. Here, she lends her now-mature talents to the second release in Hyperion’s overview of Vieuxtemps’ Violin Concertos and Volume 12 of the burgeoning Romantic Violin Concerto series. Henry Vieuxtemps (1820–1881) was a French violin virtuoso who, after the death of Paganini, was widely considered to be the best violinist in Europe. Besides being a brilliant player, he was a remarkably fine composer, as demonstrated in these, his first two concertos. Alongside the memorable violin fireworks, Vieuxtemps here shows a well-argued musical sensibility that straddles both the Classical and Romantic eras as well as the ability to write gorgeous, almost operatic slow movements in the best bel canto tradition.


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