Audiofilski Label Europy
Płyty LINN Records nie mają sobie równych w Europie. Także nagrania realizowane przez tę wytwórnię.
Do perfekcji opanowana technologi wielokanałowego SACD. Wier noś purystycznej technologii HDCD, która pozwala odczuć przestrzeń i nieskrępowanie sceny.
Precyzja w każdym szczególe i szczególna troska o każdy szczegół.
The Scottish Chamber Orchestra present “Mozart Serenades”, the ninth recording in the
successful partnership with Linn Records. The SCO is internationally recognised as one of the world’s foremost orchestras of its size and has had considerable success with previous recordings of Mozart. Director Alexander Janiczek is the perfect choice to direct the music of his fellow Austrian and delivers a superb performance from the SCO.
• A disc of wonderfully atmospheric music impressively and thoughtfully interpreted by
the Scottish Chamber Orchestra. This fine example of Mozart’s music embraces
each work and delivers an original and unique recording.
• K.185 also known as the Andretter Serenade is notable for being the first Serenade
to include a solo violin, played here by director Alexander Janiczek.
• The Divertimento, or Concerto, K.113 is significant as the first time Mozart had
written for the clarinet, an instrument that was to become highly significant in future compositions
• The Orchestra has a large international fan base following recent performances in
Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, the USA, Portugal and The Netherlands.
• The SCO’s previous Mozart recordings have been critically acclaimed; “Mozart Wind
Concertos” consistently received four and five star reviews and BBC Music
Magazine named “Mozart Requiem” a ‘Benchmark Recording’ in January 2007.
“Very fine, beautifully-paced performances, with the SCO, directed by Alexander Janiczek,
in exquisitely sensitive, responsive form.” The Herald
“Their playing has a virtuosity and a palette of rich orchestral colour
to challenge the finest performances.” Sunday Times
“The repertoire, even for Mozart, is both unhackneyed and delightfully sequenced and varied; the performances are alert, full-blooded and irresistibly engaging; and the sound is brilliant, whether in conventional stereo or SACD.”
“The recording ... is razor-sharp and extremely colorful in stereo, it gains significant spatial bloom and inner detail in its Super Audio mode. In both versions it adds to Linn’s increasing reputation as an industry-leading standard setter.”
“In continuing to record the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, of course, Linn is making it clear that the Edinburgh-based ensemble has few peers.” * * * * *
Laurence Vittes, Audiophile Audition, April 2007
“Good to see that some people are still playing rare Mozart, after the orgy of completism over his works last year. The redeeming features are the Rondo Concertante and Divertimento at the end (particularly the latter), which are highly inventive and listenable pieces of music, and the quality and verve of the SCO’s playing.”
Robert Beale – Manchester Evening News, Friday 6th April 2007
“On their latest CD, Mozart Serenades, they play with precision, accuracy and wit, and the Linn engineers catch the many sparkling facets of their sound brilliantly. Alexander Janiczek, who leads the ensemble from the violin, also plays the solos extremely gracefully.”
Warwick Thompson, Metro, Friday 30 March 2007
“The ensemble playing is up to the high standard expected from the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, particularly in this repertoire, while the quality of the recording, made in Greyfriars Kirk last summer, is excellent.”
Kenny Mathieson – The Scotsman, Friday 6 April 2007