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Miles Davis

You're under arrest

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1 One Phone Call/Street Scenes Davis 4:34 2 Human Nature Bettis, Porcaro 4:30 3 Intro: MD 1/Something's on Your Mind/MD 2 Davis, Eaves, Williams 7:17 4 Ms. Morrisine Davis, Irving, Morrisine 4:57 5 Katia Prelude Davis, Irving :40 6 Katia Davis, Irving 7:37 7 Time After Time Irving, Lauper 3:37 8 You're Under Arrest Scofield 6:14 9 Medley: Jean Pierre/You're Under Arrest/Then There Were None Davis, Irving, Scofield 3:23
  • Miles Davis - trumpet

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Review by Scott Yanow Miles Davis's final Columbia recording (other than Aura which was released several years later) includes his straightforward ballad interpretations of Cyndy Lauper's "Time After Time" and the Michael Jackson-associated "Human Nature," two songs he would play in most of his concerts for the remainder of his life. Other tunes (including "You're Under Arrest," "One Phone Call" and "Ms. Morrisine") were quickly discarded. In addition to Davis (who had regained his earlier chops) tenor-saxophonist Bob Berg, guitarist John Scofield and guest John McLaughlin get in a few decent solos on this competent but not overly memorable effort. Bob Berg - Sax (Soprano), Sax (Tenor) Miles Davis - Synthesizer, Trumpet, Arranger, Vocals, Al Foster - Drums Robert Irving III - Synthesizer, Arranger, Keyboards, Darryl Jones - Bass John McLaughlin - Guitar Marek Oklo - Voices John Scofield - Guitar, Arranger Sting - Voices Steve Thornton - Percussion, Vocals, Voices

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Płyty Bluspec_CD 2 - DO ODTWORZENIA W KAŻDYM TYPIE CZYTNIKA CD i DVD - to nowa generacja płyt Bluspec, jeszcze lepszych od pierwowzoru. Płyty do odtworzenia we wszystkich typach czytników CD oraz DVD. Zapewniają wybitną projekcję szczegółów, dokładnie odwzorowują zapis oryginału, świetnie ukazują całą architekturę nagrania. Do produkcji tych płyt wykorzystano technologię blu-ray, gwarantującą sześciokrotnie większą dokładność w odwzorowaniu walorów taśmy-matki.


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