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Meyerbeer on Record 1899-1913

CD 1: (77:57) ROBERT LE DIABLE Act 1 1. Jadis régnait en Normandie 3:11 Émile-Frantz Sardet as Raimbaut; 11 June 1909; GRAMOPHONE (01090v) 032125 2. Va, dit-elle, va, mon enfant 3:09 Berthe Auguez de Montalant as Alice; October 1908; GRAMOPHONE (6487h) 33716 3. Au tournoi, chevaliers … Ô fortune, à ton caprice [Sicilienne] 3:17 Léon Escalaïs as Robert; Milan, 1 December 1905; FONOTIPIA (XPh 498) 39414 Act 3 4. Du rendezvous … Ah, l’honnête homme! 2:49 Paul Aumonier as Bertram and Jules Gautier as Raimbaut; August 1904; ODEON (XP 876) 33827 5. Ah, l’honnête homme! … Le bonheur est dans l’inconstance 8:10 Marcel Journet as Bertram and Edmond Clément as Raimbaut; Camden, New Jersey, 18 January 1912; VICTOR (C-11468-1 / C-11469-1) 76020/76021 6. Encore un de gagné [Valse Infernale] 3:07 Juste Nivette as Bertram; ca. 1908; ODEON (XP 3885) 60652 7. Oui, j’entends les éclats de leur joie infernale … Noirs démons [Valse Infernale] 3:50 Marcel Journet as Bertram and chorus; ca. 1908; Camden, New Jersey, 19 January 1912; VICTOR (C-11473-2) 74282 (Chorus sings in Italian) 8. Quand je quittai la Normandie 2:26 Léonie Tanésy as Alice; ca. 1902; PATHÉ CYLINDER 361 9. Des chevaliers de ma patrie (Di mia patria ai cavalieri) 1:46 Antonio Paoli as Robert (Tenor part only of Robert/Bertram duet); sung in Italian; Milan, 15 May 1909; GRAMOPHONE (13258b) 2-52712 (No existing recording sung in French) 10. Voici donc les débris … Nonnes qui reposez [Evocation des Nonnes] 3:55 Pol Plançon as Bertram; Camden, New Jersey, August 1908; VICTOR (C-6110-1) 85125 Act 4 11. Robert, Robert, toi que j’aime 4:06 Berthe Auguez de Montalant as Isabelle; October 1908; GRAMOPHONE (854i) 033066 Act 5 12. Malheureux ou coupables [Choeur des Moines] 3:15 Gaston de Poumayrac, tenor; Louis Nansen, tenor; Henri Dangès, baritone; and Hippolyte Belhomme, bass; 1911; PATHÉ 842 (Sung as a quartet) LES HUGUENOTS Act 1 13. Sous ce beau ciel 2:55 Mario Corpait as Raoul; 1909; ODEON (XPh 4610) X.97348 14. Bonheur de la table 2:41 Henri Sayetta, Bernard Boussagol, Thomas Bonnemoy, Charles Millot, and chorus; 1909; GRAMOPHONE (5544h) 34699 15. Ah, quel spectacle enchanteur … Plus blanche que la blanche hermine 3:39 Georges Granal as Raoul; 30 December 1909; GRAMOPHONE (01288 1/2v) 032127 (Sung in original key of b-flat) 16. Ah! Viens, divin Luther … Seigneur, rempart et seul soutien [Choral de Luther] 3:05 Paul Aumonier as Marcel; 1910; PATHÉ-APGA P.302 17. C’était alors … Piff! Paff! … Pour les couvents, c’est fini 3:55 Marcel Journet as Marcel; Camden, New Jersey, 14 January 1910; VICTOR (C-8552-1) 74156 18. Nobles seigneurs, salut! … Une dame noble et sage 3:23 Charlotte Agussol as Urbain; 1906; APGA 1301 Act 2 19. Ô beau pays … A ce mot seul s’anime 8:23 Lily Dupré as Marguerite de Valois; 20 November 1912; GRAMOPHONE (02581v/ 02582v) 033158/033159 20. Non, non, non, vous n’avez jamais, je gage [No, no giammai] 3:06 Armida Parsi-Pettinella as Urbain; sung in Italian; Milan, 22 April 1906; FONOTIPIA (XPh1818-2) 39646 (No existing recording sung in French) 21. Beauté divine, enchanteresse … Ah, si j’étais coquette 3:41 Agustarello Affre as Raoul and Lise Landouzy as Marguerite de Valois; 1907; ODEON (XP 3682) 56161 CD 2: (78:01) Act 3 1. Rataplan [Choeur des Soldats] 3:22 Émile-Frantz Sardet and chorus; 14 March 1910; GRAMOPHONE (01356v) 032136 2. Rentrez, habitants de Paris [Choeur du couvre-feu] 1:39 Henri Weber as the Night Watchman and chorus; 1904; GRAMOPHONE (4172F) 34633 3. Dans la nuit … Ah, l’ingrat d’une offense mortelle … Tu ne peux éprouver ni comprendre 8:06 André Gresse as Marcel and Marie Lafargue as Valentine; 26 November 1912; GRAMOPHONE (02591v/02592v) 034183/034184 4. En mon bon droit j’ai confiance 2:59 Agustarello Affre as Raoul, with Eugène Fréville, Eugène Claudin, Lucien Rigaux, Henri-Alexandre Lequien, M. Bernard, and Armand Narçon; 1908; ODEON (xP 4452) 97142 5. Noble dame (Nobil dama) 2:06 Mario Ancona as Nevers; sung in Italian; New York, February 1907; EDISON: TWO-MINUTE WAX CYLINDER B-41 (No existing recording sung in French) Act 4 6. Des troubles renaissants … Pour cette cause sainte [Conjuration] 4:05 Pierre d’Assy as Saint-Bris, Bernard Boussagol as Nevers, and Marthe Bakkers as Valentine; 1908; GRAMOPHONE (885i) 034032 7. Gloire au grand Dieu vengeur … Dieu le veut! [Bénédiction des Poignards] 4:08 Pierre d’Assy as Saint-Bris with chorus; 2 December 1908; GRAMOPHONE (0865v) 032108 8. Ô ciel! Où courez-vous … Le danger presse et le temps vole 3:30 Antoinette Laute-Brun as Valentine and Agustarello Affre as Raoul; 1909; ODEON (xP 4889) 97512 9. Tu m’aimes? … Tu l’as dit 3:47 Antoinette Laute-Brun as Valentine and Agustarello Affre as Raoul; 1909; ODEON (xP 4890) 97513 10. Plus d’amour, plus d’ivresse 3:23 Antoinette Laute-Brun as Valentine and Agustarello Affre as Raoul; 1909; ODEON (xP 4891) 97514 Act 5 11. Savez-vous qu’en joignant vos mains [L’interrogatoire] 2:59 Jean Vallier as Marcel; 1907; GRAMOPHONE (5069h) 3-32722 LE PROPHÈTE Act 1 12. Un jour dans les flots de la Meuse (Einst in dieses Stromes Wellen Fiel ich) 2:55 Elise Elizza as Berthe and Hermine Kittel as Fidès; sung in German; Vienna, 1905; GRAMOPHONE (686r) 2-44037 (No existing recording sung in French) Act 2 13. Sous les vastes arceaux d’un temple magnifique (In eines Domes Wunderbau, von Säulen getragen) [Le Rêve] 3:56 Leo Slezak as Jean; sung in German; 2 June 1910; GRAMOPHONE (01514v) 042255 (No existing recording sung in French) 14. Pour Berthe moi, je soupired 3:32 Agustarello Affre as Jean; 1906; ODEON (xP 2455) 36534 15. Ah, mon fils, sois béni 3:28 Blanche Deschamps-Jehin as Fidès; 1908; ODEON (Xp 4299-2) 97041 Act 3 16. Aussi nombreux que les étoiles 2:57 Juste Nivette as Zacharie; October 1906; APGA 1239 17. Roi du ciel et des anges 2:16 Albert Alvarez as Jean; 1903; PATHÉ 1653 Act 4 18. Donnez, donnez! 3:36 Marie Charbonnel as Fidès; 29 December 1913; GRAMOPHONE (18591u) 33879 19. Un pauvre pélerin! (Ein armer Pilger naht!) 3:18 Margarethe Matzenauer as Fidès and Melanie Kurt as Berthe; sung in German; Berlin, 7 December 1910; GRAMOPHONE (2118c) 044175 (No existing recording sung in French) 20. Dernier espoir, lueur dernière (Nein! So sank der Hoffnung letzte Blüte) 4:06 Ottilie Metzger as Fidès and Melanie Kurt as Berthe; sung in German; Berlin, 20 January 1911; GRAMOPHONE (2168c) 044176 (No existing recording sung in French) 21. Grand Dieu, exaucez ma prière (Grosser Gott, in den himmlischen Höhen) [Air de l’imprécation] 3:07 Margarethe Ober as Fidès; sung in German; Berlin, 1911; PATHÉ 54533 (No existing recording sung in French) 22. Qui je suis? … Je suis, hélas! La pauvre femme (Wer ich bin? … Ich bin, weh’ mir, die tief Beklagenswerte) [Scène de l’Église] 2:12 Hermine Kittel as Fidès, sung in German; Vienna, 1906; GRAMOPHONE (9941u) 43907 (No existing recording sung in French) 23. Tu chérissais ce fils? (Liebtest du diesen Sohn?) [L’exorcisme] 2:31 Erik Schmedes as Jean and Hermine Kittel as Fidès; sung in German; Vienna, 1906; GRAMOPHONE (9958u) 2-44186 (No existing recording sung in French) CD 3: (78:16) Act 5 1. Ô prêtres de Baal … Ô toi qui m’abandonnes [Scène de la Prison] 3:50 Ernistine Schumann-Heink as Fidès; Camden, New Jersey, 26 September 1907; VICTOR (C-4838-2) 88094 2. Il va venir … Comme un éclair précipité [Scène de la Prison] 2:52 Ernistine Schumann-Heink as Fidès; Camden, New Jersey, 26 September 1907; VICTOR (C-4839-1) 88095 3. Mon fils? … Je n’en ai plus 2:49 Gaston Dubois as Jean and Amelia Talexis as Fidès; ca.1907; ODEON (xp 3802) 60561 4. A la voix de ta mère 3:00 Gaston Dubois as Jean and Amelia Talexis as Fidès; ca. 1907; ODEON (xp 3803) 60586 5. Versez! Que tout respire (Beviam! Che tutto spiri) [Chanson Bachique] 2:10 Mario Gilion as Jean; sung in Italian; Milan, 15 October 1910; FONOTIPIA (XPh 4382) 92659 (No existing recording sung in French) APPENDIX ROBERT LE DIABLE Act 1 6. Va, dit-elle, va, mon enfant (Geh’! sprach sie zu mir) 3:11 Emmy Destinn as Alice; March 1908; ODEON (xB 3612) 64855 Act 3 7. Ah, l’honnête homme! … Le bonheur est dans l’inconstance 8:00 Paul Payan as Bertram and Edmond Tirmont as Raimbaut; 3 May 1912/22 May 1912; GRAMOPHONE (02385v/02443v) 034130/034138 8. Quand je quittai la Normandie (Eh’ ich die Normandie verlassen) 3:39 Emmy Destinn as Alice; sung in German; Berlin, March 1908; ODEON (xB 3613) 64837 Act 4 9. Robert, Robert, toi que j’aime (Robert! Robert, mein Geliebter) 4:30 Lilli Lehman as Isabelle; sung in German; Berlin, 5 July 1907; ODEON (xxB 3148) IRCC 80009 LES HUGUENOTS Act 1 10. Plus blanche que la blanche hermine 2:18 Albert Vaguet as Raoul and Pierre Monteux, viola; 1903; PATHÉ CYLINDER 3844 (Sung in original key of b-flat) 11. Ah, quel spectacle enchanteur … Plus blanche que la blanche hermine (Vse prelest v ney) 4:15 Dmitri Smirnov as Raoul; sung in Russian; St. Petersburg, 15 October 1913; GRAMOPHONE (2857 C) 022338 (Transposed down to A) 12. Pour les couvents c’est fini 2:52 Pol Plançon as Marcel; London, 30 May 1902; GRAMOPHONE (1936G) 2-2661 13. Une dame noble et sage (Vaga donna, illustre e cara) 2:24 Eugenia Mantelli as Urbain; sung in Italian; New York, 1899; BETTINI CYLINDER Act 2 14. Ô beau pays … A ce mot seul s’anime (O glücklich Land … Dies einz’ge Wörtlein “Liebe”) 7:21 Margarethe Siems as Marguerite de Valois; sung in German; Berlin, February 1911; PARLOPHON (574/575) P-574/P-575 15. A ce mot seul s’anime [Fragment from Queen’s cabaletta] 2:07 Attributed to Suzanne Adams as Marguerite de Valois; Metropolitan Opera House, New York, 1 March 1902; MAPLESON CYLINDER originally issued on IRCC 5002 (Previously thought to be sung by Nellie Melba. John Stratton’s article in Recorded Sound, July 1968 gives strong evidence for Suzanne Adams) 16. Beauté divine, enchanteresse … Ah, si j’étais coquette (Wer uns Vertrauen gab … Ach, wär’ ich so wie and’re Frauen) 8:10 Frieda Hempel as Marguerite de Valois and Hermann Jadlowker as Raoul; sung in German; Berlin, September 1911; ODEON (xxb5185-2/xxB5184-1) Lxx76902/Lxx76903 (This version contains more music than any recording sung in French) 17. Des troubles renaissants … Pour cette cause sainte [Conjuration] 3:03 Jean-François Delmas as Saint-Bris (sung as a solo); December 1904; FONOTIPIA (XPh 512) 39027 18. Dieu le veut! [Bénédiction des Poignards] 3:24 Jean-François Delmas as Saint-Bris with chorus; 1907; ODEON (XP 4338) 56181; 19. Le danger presse … Tu l’as dit 2:16 Léonie Tanésy as Valentine and M. Vallade as Raoul; 1902; PATHÉ CYLINDER 2864 LE PROPHÈTE Act 2 20. Ah, mon fils, sois béni 3:13 Suzanne Brohly as Fidès; 1908; GRAMOPHONE (6246h) 33712 Act 3 21. Roi du ciel et des anges 2:53 Léon Escalaïs as Jean; Milan; 29 November 1905; FONOTIPIA (XPh 495) 39429
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3 CD:

Nr kat.: MAR53009
Label  : Marston (USA)

Giacomo Meyerbeer was one of the most important composers in Paris during the mid-1800s. He is considered the founder of the French Grand Opera and his works dominated the French stage. Meyerbeer changed the face of opera in Paris, and yet, much criticism is directed toward him and much of his music is seldom heard today. This 3-CD set is the first of two volumes, which together will honor Meyerbeer and reacquaint the listener with his marvelous music and some very interesting singing. These two volumes will contain at least one version of every recorded Meyerbeer excerpt sung by French singers. They include cylinders and discs from the earliest days of recorded sound and continue through the 1930s. This compilation is not only an interesting way of organizing important and lovely French singing but gives a rare and extensive look into this style of singing. Volume one will feature recordings from Meyerbeer's first three operas written for Paris: Robert Le Diable, Les Huguenots, and Le Prophète.