nagranie EKSTREMALNIE audiofilskie
Annunzio Mantovani was born in the traditionally musical city of Venice in 1905. At the age of only 23, he was director of the Hotel Metropole's own orchestra in London and it was with this orchestra that he made his first recordings. It took 20 years,however, for him to become a world-famous star. The final breakthrough of the "Mantovani Sound" came in 1951 with his waltz "Charmaine" which was produced for the American market. This sound was utterly different from that of other entertainment orchestras at that time. Mantovani created such a lush and intense violin sound that critics believed it was the result of recording tricks - an assumption that Mantovani easily disproved with his numerous concerts. This album, TheAmerican Scene, demonstrates the whole spectrum of one of the 20th century's most genial arrangers.