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DUKAS, Wurttembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen, Fabrice Bollon

Goetz de Berlichingen / Le Roi Lear / Symphony in C minor

Fabrice Bollon - Dukas: Goetz de Berlichingen; Le Roi Lear; Symphony in C minor 01. Goetz de Berlichingen overture for orchestra (13:38) 02. Le roi Lear overture for orchestra (22:28) 03. Symphony in C major: 1. Allegro non troppo vivace ma con fuoco (14:20) 04. Symphony in C major: 2. Andante espressivo e sostenuto (15:51) 05. Symphony in C major: 3. Allegro spiritoso (11:59)
  • Wurttembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen - orchestra
  • Fabrice Bollon - conductor

Produkt w tej chwili niedostępny.

>>> Większa okładka A <<< "Paul Dukas' oeuvre as a composer has always been very small, due to his (overly?) self-critical approach. The Symphony in C minor was a piece the composer cherished nonetheless. Here it is augmented by two great overtures he wrote in his student days, both modeled on examples from famous literature, by Goethe and Shakespeare. Both are world premiere recordings. This is a release that makes you regret that Dukas destroyed so many of his own works." "Neben dem äußerst populären »Zauberlehrling« und seiner weniger bekannten Symphonie C-Dur hinterließ Paul Dukas nur noch einige wenige Orchesterstücke. Zweien davon (wie auch dem Zauberlehrling von Goethe) liegen literarische Quellen zugrunde, die Dukas musikalisch komprimiert und deutet. Diese CD bietet die Möglichkeit, nahezu vergessenes Repertoire wieder zu erleben. "


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