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New York Town Hall Recitals 1959 and 1960, The Art Of Song

1. Armida e Rinaldo, opera: Lungi dal caro bene (3:48) 2. Le gare dell'amor eroico, opera: A Porfiria vecchiarella (1:30) 3. Work(s): Cara e dolce (3:21) 4. Serse (Xerxes), opera, HWV 40: Ne men con l'ombre (2:06) 5. Il Pirro e Demetrio, opera ("La forza della fedelt?"): Le violette (2:31) >>> MP3 <<<
6. Il Sedecia, re di Gerusalemme, oratorio for soloists, chorus, instruments & continuo: Caldo sangue (6:05) >>> MP3 <<<
7. Il Flavio, opera: Chi vuole innamorarsi (3:34) >>> MP3 <<<
8. Cantata d'amore: Al tramontar del giorno (4:54) >>> MP3 <<<
9. Misero! o sogno...Aura che intorno spiri, recitative and aria for tenor & orchestra, K. 431 (K. 425b (8:37)
10. Les Nuits d'été, song cycle for voice & piano (or orchestra), H. 81 (Op. 7): 1. Villanelle (1:43)
11. Les Nuits d'été, song cycle for voice & piano (or orchestra), H. 81 (Op. 7): 2. Sur les lagunes (5:26)
12. Les Nuits d'été, song cycle for voice & piano (or orchestra), H. 81 (Op. 7): 3. L'île inconnue (3:17)
13. Der Musikant ("Wandern lieb ich"), song for voice and piano (Eichendorff Lieder) (1:49)
14. Verschwiegene Liebe ("Über Wipfel und Saaten"), song for voice & piano (Eichendorff Lieder) (2:48)
15. Der Gärtner ("Auf ihrem Leibrösslein"), song for voice & piano (Mörike Lieder) (1:19)
16. Und willst du deinen Liebsten sterben sehen, song for voice & piano (Italienisches Liederbuch) (2:17) >>> MP3 <<<
17. Heimweh ("Anders wird die Welt"), song for voice & piano (Mörike Lieder) (2:26) >>> MP3 <<<
18. Canciones clásicas espa?olas, for voice & piano in 4 books: Book 3. Tres Morillas (2:24) >>> MP3 <<<
19. Del cabello más sutil, for voice & piano (1:28) >>> MP3 <<<
20. Granadinas, for voice & piano (3:50) >>> MP3 <<<
21. Mefistofele, opera in prologue, 4 acts & epilogue: Giunto sul passo estremo (3:25) >>> MP3 <<<
22. L' Arlesiana, opera: Lamento di Federico (4:07) >>> MP3 <<<
23. Der Jüngling an der Quelle ("Leise, rieseln der Quell"), song for voice & piano, D. 300 (1:52)
24. Nacht und Träume (Heil'ge Nacht, du sinkest nieder!"), song for voice & piano, D. 827 (Op. 43/2) (4:11)
25. Der Musensohn ("Durch Feld und Wald zu schweifen"), song for voice & piano, D. 764 (Op. 92/1) (2:08)
26. Dein Angesicht ("Dein Angesicht, so lieb und schön"), song for voice & piano, Op. 127/2 (2:37)
27. An den Sonnenschein ("O Sonnenschein! Wie scheinst du mir..."), song for voice & piano, Op. 36/4 (1:28)
28. Du bist wie eine Blume, song for voice & piano (Myrthen), Op. 25/24 (2:19)
29. I Pastori, for voice & piano (5 Liriche, No. 1) (6:13)
30. Nel cor pi? non mi sento (1:43)
31. Tre giorni son che nina, song for voice & piano (spurious; may be by V.L. Ciampi) (3:00)
32. Caro mio ben (2:47)
33. Amarilli mia bella, for voice & continuo (from "Le Nuove musiche") (3:52)
34. Paride ed Elena, opera in 5 acts, Wq. 39: O del mio dolce ardor (4:03)
35. Plaisir d'amour, for voice & piano (or orchestra) (3:28)
36. Vaghissima sembianza, for voice & piano (or orchestra) (2:32)
37. O del mio amato ben, song (4:04)
38. Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes, for voice & piano (2:53)
39. Believe me, if all those endearing young charms... (2:55)
40. There is a lady sweet and kind, for voice & piano (3:33) >>> MP3 <<<
41. Blow, blow, thou winter wind, song for voice & piano, Op. 6/3 (2:39) >>> MP3 <<<
42. The Little Island, song for voice & piano, Op. 14/2 (2:10) >>> MP3 <<<
43. In the silence of the secret night, song for voice & piano, Op. 4/3 (3:02) >>> MP3 <<<
44. Jeg elsker Dig (I Love but Thee), song for voice & piano, Op. 5/3 (2:20) >>> MP3 <<<
45. Ein Traum (A Dream), song for voice & piano, Op. 48/6 (2:40) >>> MP3 <<<
  • Cesare Valletti - tenor

Produkt w tej chwili niedostępny.

The Town Hall recitals of 1959 and 1960 were recorded by RCA, which issued most of the two programmes on a pair of LPs. The discs were immediately seized upon as collectors’ items, becoming even more treasured and eagerly sought for when they went out of print.

What first attracted listeners to Valletti’s singing was the distinctive and attractive texture of the voice itself. Its lean, perfectly focused timbre may lack the honeyed sweetness of, say, Tito Schipa or Ferruccio Tagliavini, two of Valletti’s most distinguished predecessors in his vocal category, and the tone could thin out in the very top register when put under pressure, but there are plenty of vocal virtues to admire here: the clean attack, pure vowel sounds, a purling legato, seamless register alignment, fabulous diction, and a pianissimo without resort to falsetto.

Valletti also possessed an easy agility available to few other Italian tenors who sang the bel canto repertoire in those days, as well as an unerring ear that could pitch the notes of a tricky Hugo Wolf song with absolute precision. His voice had an appealingly plangent tang that gave his sound its individuality, along with a touch of poignant vulnerability that graced both his song interpretations and the portrayals of the heartsick young operatic heroes that were his speciality. All these good things are enhanced by Valletti’s patrician musicianship and impeccable taste, energised by an extraordinarily expressive vitality, masterly control of every musical situation, and a lively engagement with the composer that animates every measure.

In addition to his two Town Hall recitals, Valletti recorded three song albums for RCA in their New York studios and the earliest one, from June of 1958, is included here.