String quartets by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart without historical performance practice - is that even possible nowadays? -Of course it is! At the same time, there is probably no serious classical musician who has entirely escaped its influence in some shape or form. We are not just talking about diligence in choosing "urtext editions" or in the choice of instrument. The changes creep into the smallest details of phrasing which people simply can't do as they used to, even subconsciously. This is borne out by listening to many performances.
Of course the Auryn Quartet is also subject to these influences. If, despite this, their performances seem conventional, then it's deceptive as their playing style is no longer conventional when seen in the light of modern performance practice. They refer back to a playing style that could be termed "historical" in a wholly different way, namely that of a musical generation that has now died out. Their role models and teachers were the Amadeus Quartet and the Guarnieri Quartet. The members of the Auryn Quartet were musically "socialised" in a different era to younger musicians and they choose not to discard the aesthetic sensibilities acquired in their youth as though they were just old-fashioned garments. They love the beautiful "old" string sound and keep this tradition alive, but with the diligence expected of today's musicians. The result is timelessly beautiful music. The new recording of the 6 "Haydn Quartets" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart provides an impressive example of this.
image hifi (11/01/2018):
(...) Das Auryn Quartett spielt sie [die 6 Quartette] so homogen wie (dennoch) differenziert und entfaltet dabei einen Klang aus Seide und Gold. Das mag auf die exquisiten Instrumente von Stradivari, Guarneri und Amati zurückzuführen sein, aber wohl mehr noch darauf, dass die Auryns in ein paar Jahren ihr vierzigjährige Jubiläum in derselben Besetzung feiern. more...
CD HotList (05/07/2018):
Audio 5/2018 (05/01/2018):
Audio 5/2018 (05/01/2018):
Literaturspiegel (04/07/2018): (04/06/2018):
Fast zwei Jahre sind jetzt vergangen, seit ich das erste Dreier-Set des Auryn Quartetts zum Thema Mozart vor mir hatte – eine ganz erlesene Produktion sämtlicher Streichquintette, die das Quartett der vier Herren im Verein mit der Bratschistin Nobuko Imai bei ihrem quasi Exklusiv-Label Tacet herausbrachten. more...
Mozart! Die Seiten der deutschen Mozart-Gesellschaft (04/01/2018):