trad.: Blow the Wind Southerly
trad.: Drink to me only with thine eyes
trad.: I know where I'm going
trad.: Kitty my love
trad.: The stuttering lovers
trad.: Ye Banks and Braes
Bach, J S: Mass in B minor, BWV232: Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris
Bach, J S: St John Passion, BWV245: Es ist vollbracht
Brahms: Botschaft, Op. 47 No. 1
Brahms: Sapphische Ode, Op. 94 No. 4
Britten: Come ye not from Newcastle?
Gluck: Che faro' senza Euridice? (from Orfeo ed Euridice)
Gluck: Che puro ciel (Orfeo ed Euridice)
Mahler: Um Mitternacht (Rückert-Lieder)
Quilter: Now sleeps the crimson petal, Op. 3 No. 2 (Tennyson)
Schubert: Du bist die Ruh D776 (Rückert)
Schubert: Rosamunde, D797: Romance 'Der Vollmond Strahlt auf Bergeshöh'n'
Vaughan Williams: Silent Noon