Pierwszy raz od czasu rejestracji udostępniono materiał utrwalony przez inżynierów berlińskiej rozgłośni radiowej RIAS, na magnetofonach o szybkości przesuwu taśmy przed głowicą 76 cm/s.
Wszystkie publikowane wcześniej nagrania pochodziły z kopii wykonanych na początku lat 50. ubiegłego stulecia, wykonanych na taśmach o prędkości przesuwu przed głowicą 38 cm/s.
Dzięki subtelnemu remsteringowi i doskonałej jakości zapisu pierwotnego - otrzymaliśmy materiał muzyczny zaskakujący świeżością, barwą dźwięku, wspaniałą sceną i selektywnością brzmień poszczególnych instrumentów.
With the 1953 recording of []9BDonizetti’s Lucia di Lammermoor, Ferenc Fricsay, then aged 39, presented his ideal audio version of the opera.
For the main roles he engaged three singers with whom he particularly enjoyed working as they all shared his stylistic sensitivity and his desire for perfection: Maria Stader, Ernst Haefliger and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau.
As the orchestra, he chose the RIAS Symphony Orchestra, today’s Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin. After four years of working with the orchestra, he had formed it into a committed ensemble bearing its own, characteristic sound and displaying a clear concept of style and immense precision. Fricsay produced the recording for the RIAS Berlin in German.
There is a "Producer’s Comment" from producer Ludger Böckenhoff about this production available.
The production is part of our series „Legendary Recordings“ and bears the quality feature „1st Master Release“. This term stands for the excellent quality of archival productions at audite. For all historical publications at audite are based, without exception, on the original tapes from broadcasting archives. In general these are the original analogue tapes, which attain an astonishingly high quality, even measured by today‘s standards, with their tape speed of up to 76 cm/sec. The remastering – professionally competent and sensitively applied – also uncovers previously hidden details of the interpretations. Thus, a sound of superior quality results. CD publications based on private recordings from broadcasts cannot be compared with these.