Francesco Corbetta was a well-known personality in the musical life, not just of Pavia, but also of various European courts. Born around 1615, he was active in Bologna, and in Mantua. He travelled through Spain, Italy, Germany, France, England and the Low Countries. In 1676, he settled definitively in Paris where he died in April 1681, leaving a musical bequest of remarkable entity. His most precious virtue was to have made the guitar speak the true language of love. His fame did not depend exclusively on his skill as a guitar performer but also on the originality of his composition. Corbetta experiments and seeks new solutions and adopts different styles: His only preoccupation is to affirm categorically the validity and originality of a purely guitar repertoire, quite distinct from writing for the lute. The selection proposed here offers an overview of the musician's stylistic sweep. Excerpts from: Varii Capricii per la Ghittara Spagnuola, 1643 Varii scherzi di suonate per la chitara spagnuola.libro quarto, 1648 La Guitarre Royalle dediée au Roy de la Grande Bretagne, 1671 La Guitarre Royalle dediée au Roy, 1674 De gli scherzi armonici trovati, e facilitati in alcune curiosissime suonate sopra la chitarra spagnuola, 1639 Orchestra La Ghirlanda Mosicale: Ugo Nastrucci, chitarra barocca e tiorba Massimo Lonardi, arciliuto Giangiacomo Pinardi, chitarra barocca Michele Pasotti, chitarra barocca e tiorba Anna Simboli, soprano Monica