Tak, tak grają wiolonczele - Edycja Numerowana - 1000 egzemplarzy w skali światowej
24 wirtuozów wiolonczeli ze wszystkich londyńskich orkiestr! Najbardziej wyrafinowane brzmienie instrumentów z najwyższej półki. I repertuar! "Lovers of the tango and bossa nova...will be in seventh heaven; while even couch potatoes will find that Latin Cello provides an experience of low(ly)-strung excellence."Classic CD Choice "Overall, it is an enjoyable CD which will suit anyone with a passion for Latin music, and a passion for the sumptuous strains of the cello."AUSTA Magazine "One of the most beautiful recordings of this kind of music that I have ever heard. The Cole Porter Begin The Beguine is unbelieveable in it's beauty. I know I will wear out the album in no time." Michael Brooks Latin fire, Latin senusouness, Latin cool—Daryl Runswick's fine arrangements played by 24 top London cellists.