"Christ Church's connection with the music dates back to Taverner himself, and there is a lightness of touch here that bespeaks an easy familiarity with the repertory. Shaping and line are sensitively handled ... this intelligent and stylish anthology constitutes a worthwhile addition to the discography." Fabrice Fitch, Gramophone Reviews "In the 20 years since this disk came out, I can't believe no one has reviewed it – because it is simply one of the most breathtaking albums of English choral music out there, a testament to the magic of the traditional English choir, now so under the gun. This is music of such gentle sweetness, openness, and richness sung so perfectly and expressively, so gravity-defyingly, at just the right pitch of engagement and remove. Cancel your expensive cruise, or weekend at the spa, or psychotherapy, and spend a weekend getting to know this music and it will become a fundamental touchstone you have always. Whatever your faith- or -lessness, this is transcendence made, not flesh, but sound."- Kelly Alvarez