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TARTINI, L'Arte Dell'Arco, Giovanni Guglielmo

Violin Concertos (Vol. 7)

Violin Concertos (Vol. 7) image
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Tartini: Violin Concertos Vol.7 Concerto in E minor D57 - 01. I Allegro (6:02) 02. Concerto in E minor D57 - II Grave (3:21) 03. Concerto in E minor D57 - III Allegro (4:54) Concerto in D Major D16 - 04. I Allegro (7:48) 05. II Adagio (4:04) 06. III Allegro (5:58) Concerto in E Major D48 ('Rondinella vaga e bella...') - 07. I All (6:46) 08. II Ad (2:46) 09. III A (6:15) Concerto in G Major D76 - 10. I Allegro (4:43) 11. II Adante (4:28) 12. III Allegro (5:44)
  • L'Arte Dell'Arco - orchestra
  • Giovanni Guglielmo - conductor
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59.00 PLN


Nr kat.: CDS279
Label  : Dynamic (Italia)

This seventh volume of Giuseppe Tartini's Complete Violin Concertos features, as customary, four works, all belonging to the so-called "first period" of the composer's activity: Concertos D 57, 16, 48 and 76. They are four premiere recordings of works for which no modern editions exist. Giovanni Guglielmo and his ensemble worked out their own editions, based on the autograph manuscripts and on contemporary copies, often encountering problems in deciphering the music writing because of its cryptic nature and of the numerous corrections and erasures made by Tartini. Here is another extraordinary CD of this series, where philological rigour and imagination blend in the ensemble's unforgettable interpretations, which are able to recreate, like no others, the genuine spirit of Tartini's creative world.