Edycja Kolekcjonerska
Nigdy wcześniej i nigdy później, mimo szalonego rozwoju, a może zbędnej komplikacji w dziedzinie zapisu dźwięku nie stworzono tak perfekcyjnie brzmiących nagrań, nad jakością których głowią się ostatni już z ludzi, w genotypie których zapisany jest wzorzec brzmienia naturalnego. Tę samą myśl wyrazić mógłbym w sposób mniej barokowy: oto dokumenty z czasów, w których naturalne brzmienie instrumentów otrzymywaliśmy z mlekiem matki. Albo - jeszcze prościej: tak grali, tak słyszeli i zapisywali muzykę ludzie, dla których była ona chlebem powszednim. No, ok, niech będzie - drożdżowym ciastem z kwaśnymi śliwkami. Ale takimi węgierkami. Grubymi, tłustymi, z miąższem pękającym od soku. No i kruszonka. Spieczona, ale rozpadająca się w pył przy pierwszym muśnięciu. Uuuhm... Jedna z trzech części antologii katalogu Mercury Living Presence. Labela mistrzów brzmienia i interpretacji dla mistrzów i koneserów idealnego, naturalnego brzmienia. Twierdzisz, że słuchałeś nagrań audiofilskich? Właśnie tych? Nie? A to znaczy, że tylko twierdzisz... This limited-edition, numbered LP Set features original LP front and back covers. The pressings are by OPTIMAL on 180 gsm vinyl stock and lacquers have been cut by Sean Magee at Abbey Road Studios. Included in the package is a full-colour booklet in English featuring an essay by Thomas Fine; a paragraph on each recording, setting out the location, the dates, the tapes, the microphones, the engineer, the producer – in fact everything the collector loves to read. The cover art is in the style of the 53CD box set (mentioned above) and is presented in a lift-off rigid LP box (in the style of previous 6LP sets from Decca). NOTES ON THE RECORDINGS LP1: Respighi: Roman Festivals; Church Windows Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, Antal Doráti Roman Festivals and Church Windows were both recorded on November 20, 1954, on the stage of Northrop Auditorium, Minneapolis, using a single Neumann U-47 microphone and a Fairchild full-track quarter-inch tape machine running at 15 inches per second. The orchestra was placed in normal concert set-up and the microphone kept in one position during the recording. First-generation master tape used for CD remastering. The pieces were first released on MG50046. LP2: Wienerwalzer Paprika Philharmonia Hungarica, Antal Doráti The works by Lehár, Kálmán, Dohnányi, Waldteufel, and Lanner, as well as Village Swallows, were recorded between June 5 and 9, 1958, in the Große Saal of the Wiener Konzerthaus on 3-track half-inch tape, using one Schoeps M201 and two Neumann KM-56 microphones. These waltzes were originally released as SR90190. Voices of Spring was recorded on November 18, 1956, with one Schoeps M201 and two Neumann U-47 microphones, on 3-track half-inch tape, and was a part of SR90008. Aquarellen and Doctrinen waltzes were recorded on December 18, 1957, on 3-track half-inch tape, using one Schoeps M201 and two Neumann KM-56 microphones. Those titles were released on SR90178. Voices of Spring, Aquarellen, and Doctrinen were recorded in Northrop Auditorium in Minneapolis. LP3: Bloch: Concerti Grossi Nos. 1 & 2 Eastman-Rochester Orchestra, Howard Hanson The Concerti Grossi Nos. 1 and 2 were recorded on May 5, 1959, and Schelomo on December 16, 1960. All were recorded in the Eastman Theatre, in Rochester, N.Y., using half-inch 3-track tape machines and three Schoeps M201 microphones. The Concerti Grossi were released originally on SR90223; Schelomo, on SR90286. LP4: Franck: Symphony in D Minor Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Paul Paray Franck’s Symphony in D Minor was recorded in the Auditorium of Cass Technical High School in Detroit on November 27, 1959, on 3-track half-inch tape using three Schoeps M201 microphones, and was originally released as SR90285. LP5: Ballet For Band Eastman Wind Ensemble, Frederick Fennell All of the works on this LP were recorded in the Eastman Theatre at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N.Y., on October 23 and 24, 1959, using three Schoeps M201 microphones. They were recorded onto 3-track half-inch tape. LP6: Paray Conducts Wagner Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Paul Paray The music on tracks 1-4 on this CD was recorded February 20, 1960, in the auditorium of Cass Technical High School in Detroit on 3-track half-inch tape, using three Schoeps M201 microphones, and was originally released as SR90232. Tracks 5-7 were recorded on March 23, 1956, in Old Orchestra Hall in Detroit, on 3-track half-inch tape machines using one Schoeps M201 and two Neumann U-47 microphones. These titles were first released on SR90107.