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La Rossignol

O Florens Rosa (La rosa nella musica del rinascimento)

La Rossignol - O Florens Rosa (La rosa nella musica del rinascimento) 01. Rosina (2:28) 02. O rosa bella(ciconia) (7:12) 03. Mignonne, allon voir sin la rose (2:34) 04. I bei ligustri e rose (3:03) 05. O rosa bella(Dusnstable) (1:26) 06. O rosa bella (Anon s.XV (1:48) 07. O rosa bella/He robinet (1:37) 08. Canzon X La rosa (4:05) 09. Amor jesu divino (1:48) 10. Ave virgo gloriosa (3:26) 11. O stella Mattutina (3:16) 12. O florens rosa (1:48) 13. J'ai advisé ung rosier (2:59) 14. Pavana di rose e gligli (2:36) 15. Se l'aura spira (1:28) 16. Rosa felice (3:33) 17. O rosetta, che rosetta (1:49) 18. Rose is white (2:03)
  • La Rossignol - orchestra
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44.00 PLN


Nr kat.: CDA0195
Label  : III Millennio

muzyka z czasów, w których symbol mówił więcej niż słowa...

The rose, as it already was during the Middle Ages, continues to be one of the symbolic images of Renaissance civility. Its different values have persisted for ages: the religious one (the rose symbolizing the Madonna/Mother Mary, image of absolute pureness), the profane one (as a personification of the beloved one) and the esoteric one (symbol of resurrection, immortality, regeneration). This release, recorded live in a fifth century church in Santa Maria in Bressanoro in Castelleone, creates particularly varied and rich atmospheres: the compositions of great authors like Dunstable, Ciconia, Frescobaldi and Monteverdi meet in an aesthetical rather than in a chronological order. They melt together with the very direct, popular versions of devotional praise-songs of Dammonis and, singing and dancing to them, they celebrate the spring awakening of all senses and of passion, as if on a happy trip toward a new sense of harmony, toward the perfection of music, in a period when music still contributes to the great evolution of thought.