148 minut muzyki w wymiarze ultranaturalnym
Why is the string quartet since Joseph Haydn the most important genre of chamber music? Most of the classical chords can also be presented by a string trio, which can be difficult. Things are easier for a string quintet, of which there also exist the most beautiful examples. But 4 are quite sufficient. After all, there are also 4 cardinal points and 4 seasons, although in both cases a subdivision in more or fewer parts would be thoroughly conceivable. In front, behind, left and right also make 4, incidentally, and this now brings us to the current complete recording of all the string quartets of Joseph Haydn in TACET Real Surround Sound performed by the Auryn Quartet. The picture looks quite simple, and yet there are 23 more possibilities just when the listeners exchange seating positions. They have all been tried (see DVD-Audio TACET D124), and the result is our "classical" seating arrangement. The reward for the setting on this novel and unconventional way of listening is an unbeatable and effortless differentiation of everything that can occur in the score. The quartet is no longer a podium discussion on a faraway stage, but a conversation in which the listener also participates. So 5, after all ... all 68 quartets of Joseph Haydn are released in this way.
Pizzicato (04/06/2014):
MITTENDRIN IN DEN HAYDN-QUARTETTEN --> zum Original-ArtikelDie Haydn-Aufnahmen des Auryn Quartetts wurden im Pizzicato ausführlich kommentiert, und unsere Feststellung lautete, dass diese Einspielungen dem Hörer kontinuierlich Glück bringen. more...
Sächsische Zeitung Dresden (03/04/2014):
Mittendrin statt nur dabeiWie lässt sich Hörern Musik noch näher bringen? TACET ist die deutsche Tonträgerfirma, die am nachhaltigsten mit allen Arten von Ton-Scheiben experimentiert. Außer den Stereo-Medien CD und LP bietet das audiophile Label SACD, DVD-Audio und Blu-ray Audio mit Mehrkanal-Surround-Aufnahmen an. more...