Ależ to brzmi! Ostatnio dodane płyty w kategorii: Ależ to brzmi! Wed, 18 Sep 2024 21:20:17 Europe/Warsaw 14400 pl Club CD Club CD Online 142 107 <![CDATA[ RESPIGHI - Belkis, Queen of Sheba / Dance of the Gnomes / The Pines of Rome]]> <img src='' width='200' align='left' hspace='4' vspace='2'> <strong></strong> <hr>5 * * * * * - Grammy Nominated: Best Engineered Album Excellent Performance and Recording, January 12, 2002 Reviewer: "127" (Chicago, IL USA) - See all my reviews This is an excellently played album that stacks up to any of the bigger name orchestras. The selections include a standard (The Pines) and two lesser-knowns (Belkis and The Gnomes). Oue is a conductor who lets no detail slip past his attention and his orchestra is first-rate from top to bottom. I was particularly struck by the woodwind solos throughout and by Oue's ability to shape melodic lines, letting them breathe when necessary and making it very musical. The slow movements here are slower than in other recordings but the music never drags or gets dull. This is only the second Belkis recording to my knowledge and it is excellent. Winds, strings, and percussion are excellent throughout, although the brass need more punch at the beginning of the War Dance (they find it later in the CD so it isn't a question of ability). Also, the wordless tenor chant in the final movement seemed more random than meaningful. It's a relatively minor part in the suite and I think he should have opted to leave it to the trumpet (the composer-sanctioned alternative option). The slow movements are beautiful and throughout the suite, as in the rest of the CD, balance, ensemble, and intonation are all outstanding. The Dance of the Gnomes is a new one to me although I did enjoy the music. The inspiration is a macabre poem about dual gnome brides killing their mutual husband on the wedding night and although the poem (text included) describes some nasty events, the music stays relatively tame. The Pines recording stacks up to any I've heard and is a definite challenge to Reiner and Chicago. I found some of the solos (especially clarinet) better than Reiner's and, again, Oue's tempos are slower but the music is very beautiful and expressive. The brass are also up to the challenge with the requisite power in IV and excellent sound and control in other areas (particularly high brass). Recording quality is excellent on the whole CD and we get to enjoy a few seconds of reverb at the end of Pines. Oue has an excellent group of players and I look forward to hearing more of their work.

1. Czym jest HRx?

Tym symbolem określiliśmy pliki WAV nagrane w bardzo wysokiej rozdzielczości, które umieszczone są na nośniku DVD-R. Jest to idealna kopia nagrań studyjnych zrealizowanych przez Reference Recordings podczas masteringu. Jest to najwyższa dostępna jakość dla dźwięku dwukanałowego! Powtarzam – jest to plik z dysku komputera, na którym mamy utrwaloną sesję oryginalną z udziałem artystów i ten plik nie ma nic wspólnego z plikami powstającymi ze zgrywania gotowych krążków CD w odtwarzaczach strumieniowych. Podczas tego drugiego procesu ot...]]>
<![CDATA[ RIMSKY-KORSAKOV - Exotic Dances from the Opera]]> <img src='' width='200' align='left' hspace='4' vspace='2'> <strong></strong> <hr> Recenzje: "...a sonic spectacular. The orchestra sounds full, natural, warm, and nicely spread out over the soundstage. There is none of the glare that still seems to affect many orchestral digital recordings; even the highest register of the violins sounds smooth and musical. Climaxes are never congested, and the fullest textures still retain clarity... this is simply to enjoy." --Henry Fogel, Fanfare "Paradoxically, the sound I heard offered a clearer, more 'natural' balance between strings, winds, brass and percussion than my balcony seat in the hall." --John Michel, Skyway News Minneapolis "...a mound of whipped cream, served with panache. The sheer virtuosity of the playing is a marvel -- this remains one of the great American orchestras -- and the interpretations are clean, light, sometimes tongue-in-cheek" --Michael Fleming, St. Paul Pioneer Press "Oue's program offers an inventive combination of worthwhile obscurities interlocked with superb versions of popular classics." --Heuwell Tircuit, InTune ...]]> <![CDATA[ RACHMANINOV - Symphonic Dances / Vocalise ]]> <img src='' width='200' align='left' hspace='4' vspace='2'> <strong></strong> <hr>Wrażenie - wprost oszałamiające! Nie znajduję dla tego tłoczenia żadnej konkurencji w katergorii 33 rpm. Prof. Johnson raz jeszcze potwierdził, że wytwórnia Reference Recordings, mimo upływu ponad 30 lat istnienia - nadal wyznacza najwyższe standardy w świecie fonografii. Chyba nikt nie nagrywa płyt tak dobrze jak oni. Nikkt nie dobiera repertuaru bardziej spektakularnego w prezentacji wieloosobowych zespołów muzycznych. Nikt - wreszcie - nie tłoczy dziś płyt winylowych tak, jak czynią to oni - REFERENCE RECORDINGS! Ten trzeci czarny krążek w katalogu Reference Recordings - jest obecnie NUMEREM JEDEN na liście high - endowych tłoczeń winylowych na świecie. Dwa pozostałe, medalowe miejsca - zajmują także płyty z Reference Recordings! Another Night in London Another Night in London RACHMANINOFF - Selected by SoundStage!.com as one of the "Best Recordings of 2001" Chosen by THREE reviewers of The Absolute Sound magazine as one of the best releases of 2001. Sergei Rachmaninoff was one of the most beloved composers of the twentieth century. His music is redolent of his Russian homeland, and it sings long, lush melodies that define the term "romantic." Everyone who knows and loves his piano concertos will enjoy these lyrical and dynamic works for orchestra. The "Symphonic Dances" in recent years have become one of Rachmaninoff’s most-performed scores. The five "Etudes-Tableaux" were orchestrated by Ottorino Respighi from the brilliant originals for piano. "Vocalise" is one of the great classical melodies, and is hummable by everyone. Initial response from renowned reviewers is amazingly positive. Two have said this is the finest orchestral recording RR has ever made! Grammy® Nominated 2002– Best Engineered Album – Classical; Keith O. Johnson, engineer

1. Czym jest HRx?

Tym symbolem określiliśmy pliki WAV nagrane w bardzo wysokiej rozdzielczości, które umieszczone są na nośniku DVD-R. Jest to idealna kopia nagrań studyjnych zrealizowanych przez Reference Recordings podczas masteringu. Jest to najwyższa dostępna jakość dla dźwięku dwukanałowego! Powtarzam – jest to plik z dysku komputera, na którym mamy utrwaloną sesję oryginalną z udziałem artystów i ten plik nie ma nic wspólnego z plikami powstającymi ze zgrywania gotowych krążków CD w odtwarzaczach strumieniowych. Podczas tego drugiego procesu otrzymują Państwo plik obciążony wszystkimi błędami produkcji, niedoskonałości materi...]]>
<![CDATA[ RACHMANINOV - Symphonic Dances / Vocalise ]]> <img src='' width='200' align='left' hspace='4' vspace='2'> <strong></strong> <hr>Wrażenie - wprost oszałamiające! Nie znajduję dla tego tłoczenia żadnej konkurencji w katergorii 33 rpm. Prof. Johnson raz jeszcze potwierdził, że wytwórnia Reference Recordings, mimo upływu ponad 30 lat istnienia - nadal wyznacza najwyższe standardy w świecie fonografii. Chyba nikt nie nagrywa płyt tak dobrze jak oni. Nikkt nie dobiera repertuaru bardziej spektakularnego w prezentacji wieloosobowych zespołów muzycznych. Nikt - wreszcie - nie tłoczy dziś płyt winylowych tak, jak czynią to oni - REFERENCE RECORDINGS! Ten trzeci czarny krążek w katalogu Reference Recordings - jest obecnie NUMEREM JEDEN na liście high - endowych tłoczeń winylowych na świecie. Dwa pozostałe, medalowe miejsca - zajmują także płyty z Reference Recordings! Another Night in London Another Night in London RACHMANINOFF - Selected by SoundStage!.com as one of the "Best Recordings of 2001" Chosen by THREE reviewers of The Absolute Sound magazine as one of the best releases of 2001. Sergei Rachmaninoff was one of the most beloved composers of the twentieth century. His music is redolent of his Russian homeland, and it sings long, lush melodies that define the term "romantic." Everyone who knows and loves his piano concertos will enjoy these lyrical and dynamic works for orchestra. The "Symphonic Dances" in recent years have become one of Rachmaninoff’s most-performed scores. The five "Etudes-Tableaux" were orchestrated by Ottorino Respighi from the brilliant originals for piano. "Vocalise" is one of the great classical melodies, and is hummable by everyone. Initial response from renowned reviewers is amazingly positive. Two have said this is the finest orchestral recording RR has ever made! Grammy® Nominated 2002– Best Engineered Album – Classical; Keith O. Johnson, engineer

1. Czym jest HRx?

Tym symbolem określiliśmy pliki WAV nagrane w bardzo wysokiej rozdzielczości, które umieszczone są na nośniku DVD-R. Jest to idealna kopia nagrań studyjnych zrealizowanych przez Reference Recordings podczas masteringu. Jest to najwyższa dostępna jakość dla dźwięku dwukanałowego! Powtarzam – jest to plik z dysku komputera, na którym mamy utrwaloną sesję oryginalną z udziałem artystów i ten plik nie ma nic wspólnego z plikami powstającymi ze zgrywania gotowych krążków CD w odtwarzaczach strumieniowych. Podczas tego drugiego procesu otrzymują Państwo plik obciążony wszystkimi błędami produkcji, niedoskonałości materi...]]>
<![CDATA[ RIMSKY-KORSAKOV - Exotic Dances from the Opera]]> <img src='' width='200' align='left' hspace='4' vspace='2'> <strong></strong> <hr> Recenzje: "...a sonic spectacular. The orchestra sounds full, natural, warm, and nicely spread out over the soundstage. There is none of the glare that still seems to affect many orchestral digital recordings; even the highest register of the violins sounds smooth and musical. Climaxes are never congested, and the fullest textures still retain clarity... this is simply to enjoy." --Henry Fogel, Fanfare "Paradoxically, the sound I heard offered a clearer, more 'natural' balance between strings, winds, brass and percussion than my balcony seat in the hall." --John Michel, Skyway News Minneapolis "...a mound of whipped cream, served with panache. The sheer virtuosity of the playing is a marvel -- this remains one of the great American orchestras -- and the interpretations are clean, light, sometimes tongue-in-cheek" --Michael Fleming, St. Paul Pioneer Press "Oue's program offers an inventive combination of worthwhile obscurities interlocked with superb versions of popular classics." --Heuwell Tircuit, InTune ...]]> <![CDATA[ RESPIGHI - Belkis, Queen of Sheba / Dance of the Gnomes / The Pines of Rome]]> <img src='' width='200' align='left' hspace='4' vspace='2'> <strong></strong> <hr>5 * * * * * - Grammy Nominated: Best Engineered Album Excellent Performance and Recording, January 12, 2002 Reviewer: "127" (Chicago, IL USA) - See all my reviews This is an excellently played album that stacks up to any of the bigger name orchestras. The selections include a standard (The Pines) and two lesser-knowns (Belkis and The Gnomes). Oue is a conductor who lets no detail slip past his attention and his orchestra is first-rate from top to bottom. I was particularly struck by the woodwind solos throughout and by Oue's ability to shape melodic lines, letting them breathe when necessary and making it very musical. The slow movements here are slower than in other recordings but the music never drags or gets dull. This is only the second Belkis recording to my knowledge and it is excellent. Winds, strings, and percussion are excellent throughout, although the brass need more punch at the beginning of the War Dance (they find it later in the CD so it isn't a question of ability). Also, the wordless tenor chant in the final movement seemed more random than meaningful. It's a relatively minor part in the suite and I think he should have opted to leave it to the trumpet (the composer-sanctioned alternative option). The slow movements are beautiful and throughout the suite, as in the rest of the CD, balance, ensemble, and intonation are all outstanding. The Dance of the Gnomes is a new one to me although I did enjoy the music. The inspiration is a macabre poem about dual gnome brides killing their mutual husband on the wedding night and although the poem (text included) describes some nasty events, the music stays relatively tame. The Pines recording stacks up to any I've heard and is a definite challenge to Reiner and Chicago. I found some of the solos (especially clarinet) better than Reiner's and, again, Oue's tempos are slower but the music is very beautiful and expressive. The brass are also up to the challenge with the requisite power in IV and excellent sound and control in other areas (particularly high brass). Recording quality is excellent on the whole CD and we get to enjoy a few seconds of reverb at the end of Pines. Oue has an excellent group of players and I look forward to hearing more of their work.

1. Czym jest HRx?

Tym symbolem określiliśmy pliki WAV nagrane w bardzo wysokiej rozdzielczości, które umieszczone są na nośniku DVD-R. Jest to idealna kopia nagrań studyjnych zrealizowanych przez Reference Recordings podczas masteringu. Jest to najwyższa dostępna jakość dla dźwięku dwukanałowego! Powtarzam – jest to plik z dysku komputera, na którym mamy utrwaloną sesję oryginalną z udziałem artystów i ten plik nie ma nic wspólnego z plikami powstającymi ze zgrywania gotowych krążków CD w odtwarzaczach strumieniowych. Podczas tego drugiego procesu ot...]]>
<![CDATA[ RESPIGHI - Belkis, Queen of Sheba / Dance of the Gnomes / The Pines of Rome]]> <img src='' width='200' align='left' hspace='4' vspace='2'> <strong></strong> <hr>5 * * * * * - Grammy Nominated: Best Engineered Album Excellent Performance and Recording, January 12, 2002 Reviewer: "127" (Chicago, IL USA) - See all my reviews This is an excellently played album that stacks up to any of the bigger name orchestras. The selections include a standard (The Pines) and two lesser-knowns (Belkis and The Gnomes). Oue is a conductor who lets no detail slip past his attention and his orchestra is first-rate from top to bottom. I was particularly struck by the woodwind solos throughout and by Oue's ability to shape melodic lines, letting them breathe when necessary and making it very musical. The slow movements here are slower than in other recordings but the music never drags or gets dull. This is only the second Belkis recording to my knowledge and it is excellent. Winds, strings, and percussion are excellent throughout, although the brass need more punch at the beginning of the War Dance (they find it later in the CD so it isn't a question of ability). Also, the wordless tenor chant in the final movement seemed more random than meaningful. It's a relatively minor part in the suite and I think he should have opted to leave it to the trumpet (the composer-sanctioned alternative option). The slow movements are beautiful and throughout the suite, as in the rest of the CD, balance, ensemble, and intonation are all outstanding. The Dance of the Gnomes is a new one to me although I did enjoy the music. The inspiration is a macabre poem about dual gnome brides killing their mutual husband on the wedding night and although the poem (text included) describes some nasty events, the music stays relatively tame. The Pines recording stacks up to any I've heard and is a definite challenge to Reiner and Chicago. I found some of the solos (especially clarinet) better than Reiner's and, again, Oue's tempos are slower but the music is very beautiful and expressive. The brass are also up to the challenge with the requisite power in IV and excellent sound and control in other areas (particularly high brass). Recording quality is excellent on the whole CD and we get to enjoy a few seconds of reverb at the end of Pines. Oue has an excellent group of players and I look forward to hearing more of their work.

1. Czym jest HRx?

Tym symbolem określiliśmy pliki WAV nagrane w bardzo wysokiej rozdzielczości, które umieszczone są na nośniku DVD-R. Jest to idealna kopia nagrań studyjnych zrealizowanych przez Reference Recordings podczas masteringu. Jest to najwyższa dostępna jakość dla dźwięku dwukanałowego! Powtarzam – jest to plik z dysku komputera, na którym mamy utrwaloną sesję oryginalną z udziałem artystów i ten plik nie ma nic wspólnego z plikami powstającymi ze zgrywania gotowych krążków CD w odtwarzaczach strumieniowych. Podczas tego drugiego procesu ot...]]>